My March 2017 Reading

The People's Library


If March had a theme for me, I suppose it would have been ‘Occupy’? I may be several years late to the movement, but most of what I read this month seemed to have been written by someone involved in the Occupy protests and movements of the past half-dozen years. It’s easy to love anarchists when you’re only meeting them on the page in the realm of ideas, right? Well, I certainly love reading anarchists. Here’s the best of what I read for pleasure (i.e. not for work or for my dissertation) in March of 2017.


Longform Journalism

Against my better judgment I dabbled more than I wanted to in journalism (feels like junk food sometimes, especially when there are so many excellent books I want to read!). Nevertheless, here’s what I’d recommend from my shorter non-fiction reading in the month of March.

Featured image: “The People’s Library” by Jagz Mario (CC BY-SA 2.0)