Tag: Objectivists

  • Handwritten note on Lorine Niedecker

    Lorine Niedecker Visited her in March (1970)—rumors: total recluse — something wrong with her? Mental breakdown?—ordinary cleaning woman in mental hospital—so, trepidation—fears groundless / “moment I walked in her door, she was opposite of recluse: outgoing, of good cheer, very lively. Time flew. Delightful afternoon—much in common with Al. —House only a few steps from…

  • At Long Last…

    At Long Last…

    I have an approved dissertation proposal! What’s its title, you ask? Get ready, because it’s really sexy. “Thinking with the things as they exist”: Ecocriticism and Objectivist Poetics. Yeah. A thrilling tour through what I’m calling an “Objectivist” poetics (the writing of George Oppen, Lorine Niedecker, Louis Zukofsky, Charles Reznikoff, Basil Bunting, William Carlos Williams,…