Category: Spotify Playlists

  • 24-Hour MEGA MIX [Best of March 2013]

    24-Hour MEGA MIX [Best of March 2013]

    I listened to (and liked) a ton of music in March 2013, apparently. Turns out I’ve got a playlist of almost 24 hours of starred songs from that month, which makes it a perfect end of year-New Year’s mix. Going back through this playlist was an absolute (and often surprising) joy. It’s a pretty eclectic…

  • Best of 2013 & 2012 [TUMBLR]

    Best of 2013 & 2012 [TUMBLR]

    As the year ends, it offers all kinds of opportunities for reflection. For me, the year generally feels like a ceaseless whirlwind, mostly enjoyable, but very fast-paced, and without natural break points or times built-in reflection and gathering. Because these times aren’t built in to my life, and I haven’t been very good about establishing…

  • Spotify Series: Starred Songs, January-February 2013

    Spotify Series: Starred Songs, January-February 2013

    This is the second of the starred song Spotify playlists that I’m sharing each week. These are all the songs that I starred in January and February of 2013 (the first two months of my current job!). 74 playable tracks (lasting about 4 and a half hours). Listening back through it, I’m feeling pretty happy…

  • Spotify Series: Starred Songs, Year 1

    Spotify Series: Starred Songs, Year 1

    It’s been almost a year since I stopped doing the radio show (how time flies!). I miss it–the weekly scramble to develop a compelling theme, pull together a play list, get my songs and files in order, set up the segways and get on the air. Being on the radio was a blast, and Pete…

  • Show On Hold

    Show On Hold

    I’m sad to report that Steel’s Magnolias is finished–or at the very least on hiatus. I’ve accepted a full time job, and don’t have the time to put together and host a radio show each week while holding down work, life, and dissertation duties. I hope to come back from time to time with special…